Gone in a Flash: the story of my red couch

For as long as I can remember I wanted a red couch. Red defines a part of my lively and colorful personality. Seven years ago I bought my first red couch with money from my late friend Sharon. I found it at Macy’s on sale for $999. I felt it was one of my first “big girl” purchases.

I’d also always wanted a chaise lounge, so I got one that had a chaise lounge on one end. Two dreams in one.

I remembered its delivery day seven years ago–I remember how happy I felt seeing my red couch in my living room.

So many memories. Furniture contains memories. I just realized my dad saw that couch and sat on it. I’ve had a couple of friends over who spent the night on it. I’ve spent many hours sitting on it while working. My red couch.

Change is good. Change is exciting. Change can also bring tears. Good tears.

My red couch started to show its age. Started to wear down a bit, and the time came for a change.

When I started to look for a new couch I took my red throw with me. And a book. And my laptop. I took pseudo naps on the couches I really liked. There were two top contenders. Actually, I took the naps on the second shopping trip. During the first shopping trip, a salesperson followed me around, acting as though I’d walk off with a couch.

During my second napping excursion, the salesperson on the floor did not bother me, except to ask me once if I had any questions. Toward the end of that second trip I realized my choice had been made BUT I wanted to be sure, so I decided I’d come back a third day.

That next day I went back and sat on the couch again. I knew, in that moment, my decision had really been made. So I purchased the couch. Then came home and arranged for the red one to be removed.

Now as I sit here, I’m in limbo. Out with the old. Waiting for the new. I don’t miss the old and hope the new brings me more than I imagined because sometimes a couch represents so much more.

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About Nancy A. Taylor

I'm a woman on a mission to create, manifest, and design the life that is perfect for me through travel, yoga, and mindful living. You can find me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TaylorMadeNancy/
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